Fluoroquinolones in the News
A round-up of noteworthy news, research, resources and opinion pieces relating to fluoroquinolone antibiotics.
Did the FDA Disregard a Good Solution for Drug Warnings?
The FDA passed on a novel solution — a Drugs Fact Box — for clearer drug warnings.
Insight into Eyesight
By 2024 Fluoroquinolones will become the largest drug segment to treat bacterial conjunctivitis.
Could Telehealth Be Driving Antibiotic Misuse?
Antibiotic prescribing rates were higher during remote medical consultations compared to in-person appointments.
Pharma Industry Warned About Kickbacks
A federal watchdog agency recently warned the pharmaceutical industry to avoid using kickbacks.
Fluoroquinolones Linked to Increased Risk of Aortic Aneurysm
Recent research found there is a link between fluoroquinolone use and an increased risk of aortic aneurysm.
FQ Sales Expected to Grow 48% by 2027
Sales of fluoroquinolone antibiotics are expected to grow at a CAGR (compounded annual growth rate) of 5.2% until 2027.
Adverse Drug Reactions Reported to FDA Result in Negative Consequences
A study that revealed there were consequences for patients, clinicians and manufacturers when very serious adverse drug reactions (ADRs) had been reported to the FDA.
Study Shows More Than 75% of Dentist-Prescribed Antibiotics May be Unnecessary
A federally funded study showed that more than three-quarters of antibiotics prescribed before dental procedures were unnecessary.
Unnecessary Prescribing of Antibiotics for Covid-19 Patients
Researchers at the University of Michigan found that there were high rates of early antibiotic use for bacterial co-infections among COVID-19 patients when they…
Doctors Don't Think They Are The Problem
Amid concerns over antibiotic resistance, a survey reported by PharmaLittle found that 94% of doctors surveyed acknowledged that antibiotic resistance is a problem…